Channel: Faith and Life – Messiah's Mandate
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Ben Affleck Curses Jesus while Defending Islam


Ben Affleck seems so amiable in his movies. However, on the set of Bill Maher’s liberal TV show (I don’t even know the name), he was seething. Yes, seething mad that someone might think, just because Muslims are chopping off heads, raping young girls and committing honor killings, there might be a problem within the doctrines of Islam.

Even Bill Maher, an avowed atheist and super liberal seems to get it right when it comes to Islam. However, Hollywood A-lister Mr. Affleck (who is so famous his name gets spellchecked in Word!) disagrees. He thinks any criticism of Islam is Islamaphobic (a word that Word does not recognize). In fact, he thinks, “It’s gross. It’s racist.”

Affleck ascribes to a belief system based on fairytales that Radical Islamists are a small minority and in no way reflect the belief of the overwhelming majority of peace-loving Muslims. He and his ilk like to say silly things like, “Only 7% of Muslims are radicalized.”

That sounds so reassuring until you do the math and realize that 7% is roughly 100,000,000 people! One hundred million Islamic fanatics willing to rape, murder and pillage for the sake of their religious beliefs. Yes, at least one in every seventy people on earth, believes it is okay to kidnap, rape and maim unbelievers.  And that doesn’t even include moderate Islamic leaders  and their regimes like Bashar Assad, the PLO or the King of Saudi Arabia, who have no problem killing for political gain.

However, I don’t need to combat Affleck on these issues. Maher and Sam Harris, his debating partner, do a fine job (if Affleck would just let them talk) using facts to dispel Affleck’s emotion-driven myths. My issue is Affleck’s utter hypocrisy.

While claiming that, as a good liberal, he must be kind and tolerant of Muslims, he uses the name of Jesus as a curse word. About 2:21 into the clip (See below), after Mr. Harris refers to Islam as the mother-load of bad ideas, Ben utters the name above every name, and in a way he would never use the name of Mohammed—as a curse.

He took the name of Jesus, and inserted it in place of a four-letter curse word—all the while, defending Islam. I am sure he didn’t even notice it.

What is clear is liberals like Affleck defend Islam in a way they would never defend Christianity. Does he think that moderate Islam is pro-choice? Pro-gay? Pro-equal rights for women? Pro-nudity in films like Affleck’s most recent movie (I am told)?

Harris calmly points out to the agitated actor that nearly 80% of the UK’s Muslim community felt the Danish cartoonist who drew Mohammed should have been prosecuted. Maher points out that 90% of Egyptians believe death is the appropriate response for leaving Islam. A careful study of Moderate Islam would reveal that they are only moderate compared to people who rape and behead. There are numerous cases of non-militant Muslims supporting terror, committing honor killings, being racists and frankly, hating people like you—western liberals.

But again, I digress. These Hollywood elites will defend Islam, while holding Christianity in disdain. That is my point. Curse Jesus while defending Mohammed and pretend you are genuinely tolerant. It is open season on believers in the New Testament, but don’t you dare draw a picture of Mohammed.

Warning: The Clip does have profanity, but not against Islam!


Is Sunday the Lord’s Day in Rev. 1:10?


Why is it that people assume that when John uses the phrase “the Lord’s day” he is referring to Sunday? Actually in the Roman empire there was already a day called the Lord’s day and you are going to be shocked when you find out what it celebrated. Don’t forget to like, subscribe and share!

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What must happen before Yeshua returns?


In Matthew 23, Yeshua has His most intense confrontation with the Jewish leaders who resisted him. After leveling several sharp-tongued rebukes, he reveals his heart for them and what they must do before His return. Join us as we explore Yeshua’s deep and revealing response. If you like the video, please share with your friends.

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Falsifying Sweat or What we should learn from Brian Williams


I am exhausted. Sweat is dripping down my face. I put on 7lbs of fat during my U.S. trip and I am determined to get back in shape now that I have returned to Israel. I am on the third day of Shaun T’s T-25 and I just finished the most miserable workout since New Year’s Day 1980, when my wrestling coach made us come in and practice after a night of little sleep and foolish behavior.

While I was working out, I noticed one of the guys on the workout video had a puddle of sweat building up beneath him. I looked down and was so impressed that I had my own little puddle of sweat (okay, don’t get grossed out—there is an important point!) beneath me.

I am going to take a picture of this and post it on Facebook to show people how hard I am working out. Not a sinful thought, but certainly a self-absorbed, vain one. It was the thought that came next that frightened me. Why don’t I sprinkle some more water on top of it to make it look more impressive?

I dismissed the thought as soon as it formulated in my mind and I immediately thought of poor Brian Williams—and I say poor not to mock him, but with genuine compassion. I have always liked Mr. Williams. In interviews he is very funny and likeable. But his entire career may come to a crashing halt in the next few days, all because he sprinkled a little bit of water on an already impressive story.

If you don’t know it, Mr. Williams last week referred to being on a chopper in Iraq over 10 years ago and being shot and hit—the chopper, not him. He talked about making an emergency landing. On Letterman several years ago he spoke in detail about being hit by a RPG, referring to the same incident.

He must have forgotten he was not alone on his flight—which was an hour behind the chopper that was actually hit. Soldiers who were in both the chopper that was struck and the one Williams was riding called him out.

Politicians do this all the time. Hillary Clinton got caught in a biggy when she claim that she landed in Bosnia under sniper fire…

“I remember landing under sniper fire. There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base.”

—Hillary Clinton, speech at George Washington University, March 17, 2008.

According to those with her on the trip, including the comedian Sinbad, she got off the plane and hugged a young girl… there’s a photo

And look at her now—despite fabricating a story that makes her look brave, even heroic, she is poised to be the next President! But the anchor of a Network News Broadcast is held to a higher standard. Once you lie, your credibility is gone. Few of us, sadly, care about the credibility of politicians as long as they have the same ideology.

Williams could have come out today, repented and begged forgiveness for making an egocentric error. Americans are forgiving. Would have been the right move. Instead, he claims he misremembered. (That word should be taken out of the English dictionary!)

I have never been shot at—correction, I had to run for cover several times this summer from Hamas rockets—but not in a chopper, by an RPG. Still, I am pretty sure that I could not mistake not getting shot for getting shot. Benghazi survivor and former Army Ranger Kris Paranto agrees… and he has been under fire!

“I can tell you from firsthand experience that you do not misremember being shot at. This lie and continual lying to cover up the first lie says a lot about Mr. Williams’ character, or lack thereof. This is a serious offense.”

The cover-up is always worse than the act! Remember Watergate? Lewinski?

The Lesson:

I can’t tell you what Mr. Williams fate will be at NBC, his predecessor, Tom Brokaw is calling for his ouster, but I can tell you that people will never hold him in as high esteem as they once did. Dan Rather’s distinguished career was destroyed because he ran with a false story about George W. Bush. The question for us is, what should we learn from this?

While I am pretty sure I could have gotten away with, shall we call it, Sweat-Gate, there is nothing to be gained by lying or even exaggerating to impress others. While most of us have never lied about getting shot at, it is a good day to take a deep look inside and ask, where have I lied or exaggerated? Better to deal with it privately, than to be exposed publicly.

This is something those of us in ministry struggle with constantly. Numbers impress. But it is the blessing and favor of God that we must seek.

The servant of Elisha gave into temptation and lied to Naaman and to Elisha. He sought money; he got leprosy (2 Kings 5). Proverbs tells us, “A false witness will not go unpunished, and whoever pours out lies will perish.” (Prov. 19:9)

Let me clear, I am sure I have been guilty of this. The last thing I want to do is judge Brian Williams with a hypocritical, self-righteous attitude. No! I want to learn from him. What about you?

Mr. President, Who is Really on a High Horse?


I wanted to write this blog last week, but I was stuck on my high horse and it’s just so darn difficult to type when I am riding him. Of course, I am referring to President Obama’s stern lecture, even rebuke, at this year’s Prayer Breakfast in Washington.

“And lest we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ…So it’s not unique to one group or one religion. There is a tendency in us — a sinful tendency — that can pervert and distort our faith.”

Now, I know the President is smart, but this may be the one area where I am more knowledgeable than the Harvard educated law professor. It is true that the Crusaders, masquerading as Christians, did unspeakable horrors to Muslims and Jews. In one story, they burnt down a synagogue in Jerusalem with 900 Jews inside, while singing “Christ we adore Thee.”

On the other hand, Islam was militarily advancing to the west and if not for the Crusades, you might have been reading this blog Arabic, not English!

The Inquisition was a political movement to root out non-Catholics from Spain. It had nothing to do with genuine piety. During a period of 300 years starting in the late fourteen hundreds, 30,000 Jews were burned at the stake (just like the Jordanian soldier this week), in the name of Christianity.

Not Apples and Apples

But here is the main difference. Those masquerading Christians were doing things contrary to the teachings of Jesus for political gain. ISIS, on the other hand, is doing exactly what is taught in the Koran.

“Jesus taught peace, love and forgiveness. He came to give His life for the sins of mankind, not to take life. Mohammad on the contrary was a warrior and killed many innocent people. True followers of Christ emulate Christ – true followers of Mohammed emulate Mohammed.” —Franklin Graham

In fact, it is those so-called “moderate” Muslims who claim that Islam teaches love, forgiveness and tolerance (as I heard a Jordanian official claim), who are the false disciples of Mohamed—it is they, who are just pretending to practice Islam.

Addressing the President, a former Muslim, Brother Rachid, and expert on Islam said, “[ISIS’] leader Al Baghdadi has a Ph.D. in Islamic Studies. I doubt you know Islam better than he does.”

Obama’s Arrogant Agenda

If it wasn’t clear before, Obama’s agenda is clear now. We have a President who takes more delight in spanking “arrogant America,” than protecting us. President Obama’s agenda is very clear. He wants to put us in our place. The esteemed Bishop E. W. Jackson said:

“This president does everything he possibly can to defend Islam and does almost nothing to defend the honor of this country.”

Rush Limbaugh was blunt in his assessment:

[Obama] has a problem with this nation’s founding. He has a deep-seated problem with this nation’s existence. He doesn’t like the fact that we’re a superpower, thinks it’s not been honestly earned … The US was founded as a racist, slave, bigoted nation, and we still haven’t paid the price for that as far as he’s concerned.

For Obama, all the world’s a stage and he is a Harvard professor. He takes to the podium to lecture and criticize America. But it is he, who must get off his high horse, not the rest of the country. He speaks down to us as if no one else has studied history, and displays the very arrogance that he accuses middle America of having. Never in History has a president been so hostile and dismissive of the people he works for.

Of course, we saw this coming. Who can forget Michelle Obama’s confession in 2008:

Let me tell you something. For the first time in my adult life, I am really proud of my country…

Double Standard

On the one hand, President Obama claims that ISIS is not Islam—it has nothing to do with Islam. But he has no problem saying that the Crusades and the Inquisitions were done in the name of Christ. He will never say that ISIS acts in the name of Mohamed.

When referring to ISIS, Obama says that they do acts of barbarism “in the name of religion,” but won’t say they that they do it in the name of Islam or Mohamed. The Jordanian Foreign Affairs Minister, Nassim Judeh said to Shepard Smith:

“They’re terrorists, they’re extremists, they have nothing to do with Islam. And nothing to do with any religion.”

So ISIS has nothing to do with any religion… and then in the next breath he says, “Extremism exists in all religions.”

So I guess what he is saying is that when there is a Jewish extremist, then he is Jewish, because, “Extremism exists in all religions.” And if there is a Christian extremist—as in the Crusades and Inquisition, he is Christian, because “Extremism exists in all religions.” But if there is a group called the Islamic State, that bases their theology on the Koran, prays five times a day (like good Muslims), implements Sharia Law in all their conquered lands, practices Saudi Arabian Wahhabism and the Hadith (teachings of Mohamed), and murders infidels—just as Muslims have been doing for a millennium and a half, just as Mohamed did—they are not Islamic Extremists… just your run of the mill terrorists. Brother Rachid disagrees, “They are following the steps of Islam’s prophet Mohamed to the letter.”

Obama’s fondness of Islam

It would appear that President Obama has compassion for people like the Taliban. Maybe he sees them as victims of the western oppression? Or maybe he has a secret love affair with the traditions of Islam that he boasts of adoring during his years going to an Islamic school.

Obama was registered in two Indonesian schools for four years as a Muslim, studied and memorized portions of the Koran and wore Islamic clothing in Indonesia. He has stated during his presidency that the most beautiful sound in the world is the Islamic call to prayer. He obviously has fond memories of his life as a Muslim. (Maoz Israel Report)

I don’t know what the next year and half will bring, but it appears, that without the possibility of reelection, President Obama is not even attempting to hide his disdain for his own country.

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50 Shades of Perversion—Don’t Give In


Living in Israel, I like to keep up on American sports. While listening to a podcast of a well-known sports talk show host I was surprised that they were advertising a 50 Shades of Grey Teddy Bear for Valentines Day—complete with teddy bear handcuffs.

Bondage is cool. Perverted sex is in. Nothing to be ashamed of. That is the message that is being pushed. Sadomasochism meets the mainstream. A few months ago on an airplane the woman next to me was reading pornography. Of course she would never have opened up and Playboy (or Playgirl) next to me on a plane—but 50 Shades is the forbidden fruit that is cool to eat—in public.

A Warning

Friends, in prayer this morning I sensed that a spirit of perversion, temptation and compromise is about to be poured out on this world. The subtle message that Satan is peddling is, “What’s the big deal? Just check it out? Maybe it will help your marriage?”

I want to strongly encourage you: DON’T GIVE IN! It is a gateway to demonic bondage. Don’t open the door! As Paul warns “Don’t give the devil a foothold.” (Eph. 4:27) Going to this movie could be the beginning of years of sexual bondage (And mean bondage in bad way!). Again, don’t open the door.


Pornography is as powerful and addictive as heroin. I have ministered to men who could not get through a day without looking at it. Those who are trapped would do anything to go back to the first time they opened the door and make a different choice.

It is amazing that we are all about Social Justice and ending Human Trafficking and Sexual Slavery—but it’s cool to pretend your being raped or tied up? We give money, post on Facebook and tweet our outrage—and then we are to go home and make believe?

A Sad Prediction

And mark my words, soon, in same way that some pastors are hearing “God tell them” to embrace homosexuality and the transgender trend, some prominent pastor is going to share how 50 Shades of Grey revitalized his crumbling marriage. He will encourage people to experiment—of course within the confines of “Biblical principle.” We live in an age where one who questions biblical principles is praised. The Bible is outdated, they say.


Everyday on the way home from our offices in south Tel Aviv, I see a large sign advertising the movie. Highlighted is the word sakranut, which means curiosity. Many will be lured to this honey trap out of pour curiosity and some will leave with a fledging addiction. No, not everyone—but why take a chance?

Bottom line, is that this movie/book is dangerous not matter how trendy it is and will release a spirit of sexual perversion in the world. We must all be on our guard.

Obama: “Islam has been woven into the fabric of our country since its founding.”


It seems that the Summit on “Violent Extremism” was merely a Summit to express the virtues of Islam. President Barack Obama claimed that “Islam has been woven into the fabric of our country since its founding.” Of course who can forget the contributions of Walid Washington and Ahmed Jefferson. All jesting aside, the first mosque in NY City wasn’t built until the later eighteen hundreds, more than 100 years after Independence.

President Obama’s failed Cairo speech, “A New Beginning” or as I called it, the, “I’m Not George Bush” speech, should have taught him that the root causes of Islamic terror are not western aggression, prosperity or arrogance, or lack of jobs or lack of hugs. It is in fact Islamic Fundamentalism. I don’t even know if we can called it radicalism, because they are merely following Mohamed’s example and the Koran’s instructions.

When the sacred months are over slay the idolaters wherever you find them. Arrest them, besiege them, and lie in ambush everywhere for them. (Quran 9:5)

Believers, make war on the infidels who dwell around you. Deal firmly with them. Know that God is with the righteous. (Quran 9:123)

In Cairo, President Obama reached out to the Muslim world. He made it clear that America is not a war with Islam. While a bit naive, who can fault him for trying, but that was six years ago:

Before Benghazi, Before ISIS, Before Paris, Before Copenhagen, Before the beheading of journalists, Before the kidnapping and raping of Christian Arabs in Iraq, Before the beheading of 21 innocent Egyptian Christians, Before the burning alive of the Jordanian Pilot, Before the ouster of the President of Yemen, causing U.S. troops to flee in frenzy, Before… well you get the picture.

There comes a point when you realize that these people do not want our help or friendship, but to kill us. The problem for President Obama is that this runs contrary to the friendly example of Islam that he experienced going up in Indonesia. Therefore he is in denial. He shuns the president of Egypt, while meets secretly with reps from the Muslim Brotherhood. He has no time for U.S. ally Benjamin Netanyahu, but invites the Emir of Qatar, a country that pours millions into Hamas and harbors their leader, to the White House for talks on overcoming random extremism. He chides Christians for their judgmental arrogance—you’re just like them—while holding a Summit on Violent Extremism that hosted some, while, violent extremists!

One Boston Muslim leader taking part in the summit, Nicole Mossalam, has been dishonest about her controversial mosque blocking congregants from giving police information during their investigation of the Boston Marathon bombing. Another Muslim leader from Boston invited to the White House summit designed a lawsuit to stop the Boston media from reporting what it knows about the radical nature of the largest Islamic center in New England. In addition, this man, Nabeel Khudairi, persecuted moderate Muslim members of his own mosque after they tried to warn New Englanders about Islamic extremists in their midst. —Brietbart.com

In addition, 9/11 truther, Salam Al Mayariti, who said Israel should be at the top of the suspect list, after 9/11, was welcomed to the White House Summit. He is the president of MPAC, that tweeted this last week.

Obama has made a massive miscalculation to put defending Islam over defeating our enemies and protecting out people. We see this attitude in the first paragraph of Lars Hedegaard’s article, “It’s the Danes Fault.”

The first question the Danish Prime Minister got from one of the journalists, was, “How do you think this is going to affect the Muslims in Denmark? None of the journalists asked, “What are you going to do to protect us from this Islamist savagery?”

God help us…

The Key to Spiritual Power


Yesterday we celebrated in Israel, Lag B’Omer, or as I call it, close–the-windows-or-your-house-will-smell-like-an-ashtray Day. All over the country, there are bonfires. Most Israelis have no idea what they are celebrating. It is simply a fun time to light fires and cook things in them.Screen Shot 2015-05-16 at 4.29.35 PM

In short, from Passover to Shavuot, we count the days, 50 in all and we call this, Counting the Omer. The “lag,” stands for L and G, or in numbers, 30 and 3 – in other words, the 33rd day of the Counting of the Omer. However, the day was chosen because it marks the death of a famous second century rabbi who revealed the deepest secrets of the Kabbalah. We will get back to Kabbalah in a minute.

The Graves of Dead Rabbis

In Israel, spiritual power is often sought in the strangest ways.

Ultra-Orthodox Jews of the Bratslav Hasidic sect dance on top of a van with the name of their spiritual leader Rabbi Nachman of Uman (AP Photo/Dan Balilty)

Ultra-Orthodox Jews of the Bratslav Hasidic sect dance on top of a van with the name of their spiritual leader Rabbi Nachman of Uman (AP Photo/Dan Balilty)

While as believers we have a healthy fascination with the empty tomb of Yeshua, ultra-orthodox Jews obsess over the graves of dead rabbis. All over Israel you will see a strange saying — Na, Nach, Nachma, Nachman Mi Uman — on bumper stickers, kippot (head coverings) and spray-painted all over the country.

Nachman was a famous rabbi from Uman in Ukraine. On his deathbed he called on two rabbis to witness an oath:

“If someone comes to my grave, gives a coin to charity, and says these ten Psalms, I will pull him out from the depths of Gehinnom (hell)! It makes no difference what he did until that day, but from that day on, he must take upon himself not to return to his foolish ways.”

Thousands of Israelis flock to his grave in Ukraine in order to obtain blessing. I know two young men who paid $500 to fly to Ukraine, get on a bus, drive several hours to Uman, pray at this grave, get back on the bus, drive to Kiev and get back on the plane bound for Israel.

They told me that by going God would bring them wives. They are both still single. Religion, in the negative sense of the word, always demands that we do weird stuff to get power.

Jewish Mysticism

Okay, back to Kabbalah, which was made world famous by Madonna. Kabbalah is Jewish mysticism, and teaches there is hidden knowledge within the Torah that can be obtained, often using letters and numbers. It is just another way of seeking spiritual power apart from a direct relationship with God.

Recently my wife and I led a tour here in the Land.

People seek favor at the Anointing Stone at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre

People seek favor at the Anointing Stone at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre

We visited the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. This site traditionally marks the place where Yeshua was crucified and buried. However, it is one of the most demonic places I’ve ever visited. Inside is something called the “Stone of Anointing”—supposedly where Yeshua’s body was prepared for burial.

I watched as people wept over the stone, touched it and brought clothing to touch it, assuming there was spiritual power in the rock. Others lit candles. It is merely the same thing as going to a dead rabbi’s tomb. It’s religion. And it’s racket. Several websites offer to light candles for you for a price.

For the affordable price of just $14.99, we will light a candle on your behalf in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and place your prayer on the Stone of Anointing. All candles are lit on the day following your request. To commemorate the occasion, we will send you, via email, the photos of the actual candle which was lit on your behalf and the photo of the prayer being placed on the Stone of Anointing.

What about the Western Wall?

Even the Western Wall, which I love to visit (I was there teaching just yesterday) has no spiritual power. Indeed it is an amazing memorial of the History of the Jewish people. The emotion that one experiences there should be marveling over the grace of God to preserve His people–in other words, it should connect us to the person of God, not the idea that placing a written prayer in the wall has any more significance than praying in your kitchen.

Just Ask

The key to spiritual power is not in stones, graves or historical places. Lighting a candle will not bring revival. If you desire a spiritual encounter, it is far easier than flying to a dead rabbi’s grave in Ukraine. You just simply need to ask.

This is one of my favorites passages:

“Which of you fathers, if your son asks for a fish, will give him a snake instead? Or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion? If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!” (Luke 11:11-13)

God wants to give you His power, but it comes through a father/child relationship. As we cultivate that, we will enjoy His power. No graves or candles, but time spent in His presence, asking for the Holy Spirit. That is the key to the power of God!


VIDEO: Could ISIS be Gog and Magog?


Scholars have traditionally assumed that Ezekiel’s Gog and Magog was a coalition of nations, but could it be that it is one nation made up of many nationalities—ISIS? In this short teaching Ron takes a look at this possibility.

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I now Pronounce you Man and Cow—Don’t Judge!


(Because I know there will be one person out there who may not realize it, this first section is satire to open our eyes)

Bill Chill is from North Dakota. Several years ago he realized that he was not attracted to women—or men. But his true love is his cow Annabelle. Next week he an Annabelle will make it official during their marriage ceremony, now that the Freedom to do Whatever the Heck I Want ACT has been passed. Barack Obama has called Chill a hero and example to all the bullied kids of America. He plans to invite Bill and Annabelle to the White House after their marriage for a special dinner and grazing.

The LBGTA (‘a’ for animals) community is calling Bill “courageous” for bringing this former taboo into the mainstream. ESPN is giving him the Arthur Ashe Courage award (Meanwhile Ashe was seen turning over in his grave earlier today) to be presented by former winner, Bruce…, I mean, Caitlyn Jenner. ESPN doesn’t seem to understand or care that this, like Mr/Ms Jenner’s transformation has nothing to do with sports.

“All my life I knew I was different,” said Chill. “When my friends were going to prom I was ridiculed when I showed up with my goat Lisa. They just didn’t get me. Wow, how times have changed. Lisa, may she rest in peace, is gone, but I have found true love again with Annabelle.” Annabelle had no comment. But there is no truth to the rumor that her mother was served at the reception dinner.

Whenever anyone mentions the slippery slope upon which we are sliding down at a record pace, the left cries homophobe. But honestly where does it end? Bruce Jenner is a hero!? Really? Obama has tweeted praise to Jenner.

I would love to comment on what achievements truly take courage—like fighting terrorism, defeating ISIS, defending Christians that are being beheaded and raped (when will you find time to tweet about those things Mr. President? Maybe between the front nine and back nine?)—but this blog is taking a different path.Screen Shot 2015-05-30 at 10.43.58 AM

Once you declare that men and men can marry you have opened Pandora’s box. Now, men can be women. In fact, if you even call Jenner, Bruce or Mr., you are bigot. Kids are being raised by leftwing parents, being told, “You get to choose when you are ready, whether you are a boy are a girl.” Soon, three people will want to get married (in fact it has already happened).

And in the not too distant future there will be calls for every type of perversion imaginable.

  • Fathers will want to marry daughters (already one case this week!) or sons.
  • Perverted men will demand the freedom to have sex with little boys.
  • Siblings will demand the right to marry each other—and be declared heroes for doing so.
  • Polygamy will allowed.
  • And Bill Chill and Annabelle will live happily ever after

There is no end.

And the reason there is no end is because the new philosophy that is being legitimized is this: Who are you to judge someone else for the way they feel or what they desire.

So if I think Bruce is still Bruce (with boobs) then I am mean, a bully—yes, a homophobe (which is ironic, because I don’t think Bruce is gay—or is he?). But how dare you then turn around and judge someone who likes kiddy porn. He was born that way. What is wrong with being a pedophile? He too, was born that way. By the current trend, he is not a pervert, he is merely different. And we must embrace it.

Just because you want something doesn’t make it moral. What if I want to drink and drive? Don’t judge me. What if I want to steal—I find the challenge exhilarating? The funny thing is I used to steal as a teen. But I chose to stop doing something I enjoyed (at the time) because it was wrong!

This is why we need definitions. Good and evil. How do I know that marriage is between one woman and one man? Very simple, God said so.

For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh. (Gen. 2:24)

God has made Himself clear.

God’s design for marital relationship is heterosexual, not homosexual, and monogamous, not polygamous. This relational aspect of God’s image in marriage has analogues portrayed in Yahweh’s relation with Israel (Isa 54:5 ; Jer 31:32 ; Ezek 16:8-14 ; Hosea 2:14-20) as well as in Christ’s relation with the church (Eph 5:21-33 ; cf. 1 Cor 11:1-3 ; 2 Cor 11:2 ; Rev 19:7-9). Israel is portrayed as Yahweh’s wife (Isa 54:5 ; Jer 31:32 ; Ezek 16:8-14 ; Hosea 2:14-20). Her idolatrous unfaithfulness and disobedience to Yahweh are frequently depicted as spiritual “adultery” (Num 25:1-4 ; Judges 2:17 ; Jer 3:20 ; Ezek 16:15-59 ; 23:1-48 ; Hosea 1:2 ; 2:2-13 ; 3:3) for which she was punished by captivity. Yahweh “divorced” his “unfaithful wife” (Isa 50:1 ; Jer 3:8 ; Hosea 2:2), but ultimately will have compassion and delightfully restore her to faithfulness and holiness (Isa 54 ; 62:4-5 ; Ezek 16:53-63 ; Hosea 2:14-3:1).[i]

Not only have we redefined marriage but now we have redefined something that 99% of two year olds comprehend: Gender. We have entered into a time about which Isaiah prophesied:

Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. (Is. 5:20)

God help us!


[i] http://www.biblestudytools.com/dictionary/marriage/

Mission Accomplished re: 35K Matching Fund Campaign


I want to thank everyone who participated in our matching funds campaign. We raised over 35K! Because of your partnership we will receive a 35K matching funds gift from two businessmen in Maryland. Thank you so much!!!

We will begin the three-week transformation of our present fellowship hall into a beautiful, warm and inviting not-for-profit coffee house in August. We will host concerts there and encourage folks to invite their unbelieving friends. We believe Good News of Yeshua is best shared Tel Aviv over a cappuccino. :-) In addition, we will use it for fellowship meals, young adults meetings and most importantly our weekly Friday pre-service prayer meeting.

In fact, for those coming on our fall Israel tour, we plan have an intimate concert with local Israeli artists in the coffee house on the second to last night. The tour is pretty full, but we can still accommodate a few more if you are interested. Just go to www.LivingStonesIsrael.com to get all the information.Screen Shot 2015-06-23 at 8.57.18 AM

Our goal is to be as frugal as we can in building the coffee house so we can use any remaining funds to freshen up our sanctuary. We want to paint it and install a new floor. We want to impact the first impression that our visitors have—which means our old black floor must go!

My wife Elana took it upon herself to redo one of the most unattractive rooms in our building. The Heder Hanaka—room for nursing mothers. We wanted to bless our precious mothers and Elana put us to work. I wish I could show you the before pictures, so you can see the difference, but at least we have some nice after pictures. Elana did an amazing job.

Again, thank you so much for standing with us here in Tel Aviv! I know that by blessing Israel, God can’t help but bless you! He is faithful to His promises (Gen. 13:3). The restoration of the elder brother of the nations—Israel—is so dear to the Father’s heart.

Thank you!

Until all Israel is Saved! (Rom. 11:26),

Ron Cantor
Tiferet Yeshua, Tel Aviv

New Video! The Power of Giving Thanks! or “Don’t BLESS your Food!”


I thought it a bit strange as a new believer when people would “bless their food.” What does that mean? But then I saw that Yeshua blessed the fish and the loaves. In Jewish thought, to bless your bless is equal to giving thanks to God for the food. So when Yeshua gave thanks for the little that they had, God the Father honored that and a miracle of multiplication transpired. Are you in lack? Do you have a great need? I truly believe that when we are thankful for what we have, God will move on our behalf to supply all that is needed.

Partner with Tiferet YeshuaPartner with Ron and Elana Cantor

giving thanks

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Sheep, Goats and the Second Coming!


One of my favorite passages as a new believer was the parable of the Sheep and the Goats. I had Keith Green’s song about it memorized. But a few years later I realized I had it all wrong. It’s not a parable at all—but a real life event!

The traditional meaning of the Sheep and the Goats is a biblical one, even if it is not the exact intention of the passage—that we mustn’t forget the poor—the less fortunate. One Christmas I went to Toys R US and bought a bunch of toys and passed them out in the projects of Richmond, Virginia. I also went to the county jail to share the gospel with prisoners. This passage motivated me.

So, while wanting to encourage you to continue to love those in need, let’s see what this passage is really saying. Let’s start at the beginning:

“When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his glorious throne. All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left.” (Matt. 25:31-33)

Okay, this is the Second Coming of Yeshua—which is why the sheep and the goats cannot be believers. Believers have all ready met Yeshua in the sky—whether that is at the Second Coming or seven years before, is a discussion we can have later—but we all agree that before the Messiah returns we will have been “caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air”. (1 Thes. 4:17) and it continues that we “will be with the Lord forever.”

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The eternal destiny of the sheep and the goats is decided in this passage, which takes place after Yeshua returns—so they can’t be believers. We have this great promise

That “we will all be changed—in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet.” (1 Cor. 15:51-52)

So who are these that make up the sheep and the goats? According to Zechariah there will be survivors of the judgment that comes on the nations at the Second Coming.

Then the survivors from all the nations that have attacked Jerusalem will go up year after year to worship the King, the Lord Almighty, and to celebrate the Festival of Tabernacles. (Zech 14)

Not only will there be survivors but they will come to Jerusalem to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles. For those who think that God is done with Israel or the Torah, this passage throws a wrench in their theology.

And the Zechariah passage looks very much like Matt. 25. He is sitting on His throne, obviously in Jerusalem as he has just returned to the Mount of Olives (Zech 14:4) All the nations are gathered before him.

It could be possible that this gathering that takes place just after the Second Coming is the inaugural Feast of Tabernacles in the millennial kingdom.

Now He separates the people—not each nation—but the people of each nation. Meaning there could be folks from Norway or Egypt who end up on the Sheep side and others on the Goat side.

And then the King Messiah judges the survivors of the Second Coming based on very specific criteria. How did you treat my brothers?

And the king will answer them, ‘I tell you the truth, just as you did it for one of the least of these brothers or sisters of mine, you did it for me.’ (Matt. 24:40 NET)

Another reason why these could not be believers. We are justified by the blood of Yeshua—not works. These folks are being rewarded or judge based on their actions.

When did we see you naked?

He pictures his brothers and sisters as those who have been hungry, thirsty, outcasts, imprisoned and sick.

What group of people has been constantly persecuted since their beginning? What nation could be classified as the brothers and sisters of Yeshua? What people group has been the plague of the nations, hated throughout history?

Obviously Israel. Certainly a naked, homeless or imprisoned Jew sounds like Nazi controlled Europe, the Crusades or the Inquisition. Think of the context.

Every nation has gathered against Jerusalem. (Zech. 12:2-3) The antichrist who has now been defeated, gathered the armies of the world in the valley of Har Megiddo (Rev. 16:16) in order to march on Jerusalem. Zechariah (14:1-2) speaks of horrifying atrocities committed by these armies against the Jewish people.

And then Yeshua returns to fight for Israel (Zech. 14:3-4). He wins, and sets up his kingdom in Jerusalem. He then calls for the nations to gather during the Feast of Tabernacles and separates the peoples of those nations based on how they treated His brothers and sisters.

We can see in the world today how the nations unjustly and unreasonably judge Israel while turning a blind eye to the crimes of China, Iran, Syria, Russia, etc. But God warns the nations saying I will bless those who bless Abraham and I will curse those who curse him (Gen 12:2-3). He says whoever touches Israel touches the ‘apple of His eye.’ (Zech 2:8).

Psalm 2 paints a picture of the nations opposing God and the issue is Zion, Jerusalem. God mocks them and then He “terrifies them in his rage”. All this lines up with Matt. 25. Is Israel perfect? By no means, but God’s favor on Israel is for His own purposes, not a reward for righteousness.

A good portion of the Bible, Old and New Covenant, is directed towards nations, saying, “be careful how you treat Israel.” While all nations will turn against Israel, it doesn’t mean that you have to!

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VIDEO: Help me Find This Couple!


In 1983 I had a supernatural experience and ended up upside down in a totaled automobile in the middle of North Carolina. My friend and I knock on the door of a precious couple that helped me see that Yeshua is the Messiah. I am trying to find them. Can you help?  Send any thoughts or ideas to ron@roncan.net.


cover youtube

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The Most Terrifying Donald Trump :17 Video Yet!


Dear Friends, I truly don’t mean to offend those of you who are Trump supporters. I get it. You are ticked off at the establishment and he is voicing your anger. Personally, I have been inspired by some of Donald’s blunt speeches. However, the more time that passes, the more I have a deep foreboding in my spirit that he would be a disaster as President.

However, it is what he said just a few days ago that reveals how horribly flawed and  deeply insecure he is, with a clinical  need for the approval of others.

In a speech given to college kids last week he decided to go off script and give these youngins some advice from his success. Let me just say it may be the worst advice anyone has ever given to college kids, and that it was coming from someone who wants to be president made it a 1000x worse!

“When I saw all this youth, this great-looking, young people, I said I’m going to talk for a few minutes about success. Should I do that?

“And you’ll find that when you become very successful, the people that you will like best are the people that are less successful than you, because when you go to a table you can tell them all of these wonderful stories, and they’ll sit back and listen.

“Does that make sense to you? OK? Always be around unsuccessful people because everybody will respect you. Do you understand that?”

Does that make sense, he asked. No!!! A 1,000x no! That only makes sense if you are narcissist. And what is worse,  if you listen to his tone, he is sharing from his heart. And this makes sense to him!

The would-be president is admitting that he surrounds himself with adoring fools, so he can tell his stories. It seems his greatest desire in life is not to make America great again, but to have people adore, respect and even fear him.

The People with whom I Surround Myself

From the time I became a believer, I have sought to surround myself with smart, godly people. I pursued my youth leader Bob Smith and picked his brain constantly when I was eighteen. I went to Bible School where I met Dr. Michael Brown, one of the smartest men I know. Does it hurt my self-esteem that he is smarter than me? Absolutely not! Because I know who I am—who God created me to be. A godly man does not live to be respected. He lives to pursue God.

I have spent countless hours with Eitan Shishkoff, the embodiment of an Ephesians 4:11 Pastor. Does it bother me that Eitan is a better pastor than me? No, I want to learn from him. Same with my other mentors, Dr. Daniel Juster and Asher Intrater.

I am not here to sing my own praises, but even after achieving some level of success, it has never entered my mind to now surround myself with people less successful than I am for the express purpose of gaining respect and telling my stories. When I hear Trump speak that way, the picture that comes to mind is not of David, but Saul, an ungodly, evil leader.

Don’t Judge Trump!

I have written quite a bit seeking to warn people against being seduced by Trump. I can’t tell you how many times—and I am sure I will hear it from this piece—people have asked, who are you to judge him. Do folks understand how this is such a silly question? He is asking me and you to help him be the leader of the free world. He is not asking to be dog catcher. You better believe I am going to judge him. That is what an election is! When you run for office, you are asking voters to judge your worthiness. Voters make a judgement based on the qualifications of the candidate.

The other thing I hear is, “David sinned.” David also repented! David didn’t eat for seven days!

David therefore sought God on behalf of the child. And David fasted and went in and lay all night on the ground. And the elders of his house stood beside him, to raise him from the ground, but he would not, nor did he eat food with them. On the seventh day the child died. (2 Samuel 12:16-18)

Trump is no David.

Question: Have you ever asked God for forgiveness?

Trump: I am not sure I have.

You can watch the viceo here:

The Scariest Part of All

But here is the scariest part. Trump, who says once you are successful, surround yourself with sycophants who will sing your praises and respect you, IS GOING TO SELECT A CABINET!  A president needs to surround himself, not with yes-men, but the smartest leaders in the country, who are not afraid to disagree with you. His butler was afraid to tell him that his golfing prowess was not so special.

“Tony, how far is that?” Mr. Trump would ask.

“It’s like 275 yards,” Mr. Senecal would respond, though he said the actual distance was 225 yards. (source)

Trump, when asked who he will consult on foreign affairs answered the question with the verbal nonsense that only Trump can get away with.

“I’m speaking with myself, number one, because I have a very good brain and I’ve said a lot of things.”

Friends, not only is that an arrogant, nonreassuring comment, it makes no sense!

  • I’m speaking with myself.
  • I have a good brain.
  • I’ve said a lot of things.

What does any of that even mean?

That’s what you sound like when you surround yourself with idiots, fans, and hanger-ons who adore you. Just imagine what a Trump cabinet would look like! A house of cards.

PS. Sometimes, people respond to my concerns about Trump by saying, “What, do you prefer Hillary.” Of course not, but the Republican primary is not over. I am very hopeful that Ted Cruz will win the nomination.

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NBA uses the Wrong Bathroom; Moves All-Star Game from N.C.


Today the NBA, pressured by the LBGT community and liberal elites in corporate America, pulled their All Star Game out of Charlotte, N.C. because North Carolina does not embrace a radical policy that would allow grown men into the bathrooms and locker rooms where girls can be seen dressing.

Last night I saw and amazing commercial.

A man who has always known he was a female, trapped in a male body, fully transitioned to a woman. He was in a café with his friends—male and female. And the hard-faced, bigoted evil shop owner runs her down as she seeks to enter the women’s bathroom making it clear that he belongs with the boys. He (meaning the man dressed as a woman) was horrified and embarrassed. Then an African American woman came to her defense as a white woman exited the bathroom. Oh—but first we get to see the inside of the men’s bathroom. The storeowner opens the door for her to go in and there is a group of young men, who look at the transgender like he is a freak.

As a man, with lots of experience in the men’s bathrooms, groups of men don’t hang out, chatting it up. We take care of business and get out.

Any way… the white woman takes her into the women’s bathroom, shaming the mean storeowner.

This commercial is excellent in presenting a ridiculous scenario that rarely takes place—if ever.

I would like to make another commercial based on a real story. Sean Patrick Smith who goes by Shauna Patricia Smith entered into a target dressing room as a woman. He then videoed or photographed a woman by reaching over the wall with his phone. While we were assured that these things would never happen as a result of allowing transgenders in the dressing rooms, locker rooms and bathrooms, it has… and how many more times where the perp was not caught. What if it was not a grown woman that he photographed, but your young daughter?

If you are uncomfortable with this, then the NBA’s got news for you: You are a mean-spirited, Homophobe! A CBS/NYT poll found that 48% to 41% of Americans think that people should use the bathroom that connects with their biology (meaning if you were born and man, you should go to the men’s bathroom). But the NBA is not about lining up with American values, but changing them. And now, in order to do that, they will have to change cities.

Here is a great alternative. The NBA does more business in China than probably any other nation, save the United States. Why not move the game there? Oh…that’s rights…

  • Sweat shops
  • Religious persecution
  • Massive human rights violations
  • Tibet
  • Force Abortions—(or wait, they probably are for that)

And here lies the hypocrisy of the NBA. They are willing to take a bold stand in Charlotte that will cost them nothing. But Adam Silver and the NBA have nothing to say about the evil abuses that take place in China, there partner in business. I wouldn’t have such a problem with their North Carolina issue, if they had the economic guts to take on China—but they don’t. We call that hypocrisy.

Though I have a tiny small voice, and I can’t even imagine that any NBA player will read this, I still will issue a challenge to any NBA player who loves children and wants to protect them, to boycott the All-Star game if it is not played in Charlotte. Steph Curry, are you listening?


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A Question for Trump Supporters. Does Character Still Count?


I have a question for folks who think Trump is a great candidate. In the 90s when Bill Clinton, another serial cheater, was caught with Monica Lewinsky, there was an argument. Most on the left said, it doesn’t matter how he conducts his personal life as long as he is a good president. Those on the right, including me, said, “Character Counts”. Remember? That was our mantra. We believed that:

  1. Tolerating such behavior would have a trickle down negative moral effect on the nation. (And it did—we now have gay marriage and men in the women’s bathroom!)
  2. If someone cheats on their wife, they will cheat on the country (and look how the Clinton’s have gotten crazy wealthy off America, making $28 million in 2014—as the corrupt Clinton Foundation continues to sell favors to criminals and corrupt nations).

So, if character does count and you were tough on Bill in the 90s, how can you enthusiastically support a man who brags about cheating? Some may say that this behavior was in his past, but he has never expressed regret or asked for forgiveness (his words, not mine). Here are some of his quotes:

“If I told the real stories of my experiences with women, often seemingly very happily married and important women, this book would be a guaranteed best-seller,” —The Art of the Deal

“I’ve been so lucky in terms of that whole world [of sleeping around]. It is a dangerous world out there—it’s scary, like Vietnam. Sort of like the Vietnam era. It is my personal Vietnam. I feel like a great and very brave soldier.”— on sleeping with women who could have STDs, “The Howard Stern Show”

He criticized a real Vietnam hero for “getting caught” while he compares sleeping around and not getting an STD as his “personal Vietnam”.

“You know, it doesn’t really matter what [the media] write as long as you’ve got a young and beautiful piece of ass.” —Esquire, 1991

“She’s really cute, I have to tell you, she’s really bouncy, really cute, She’s about 5-foot-1. Do you like girls that are 5-foot-1? They come up to you know where.” —Trump on Eva Longoria, “The Howard Stern Show”, 2005

And lastly from a 62-year-old Donald Trump, looking back on his ‘amazing’ life…

“Oftentimes when I was sleeping with one of the top women in the world I would say to myself, thinking about me as a boy from Queens, ‘Can you believe what I am getting?’” — Think Big: Make it Happen in Business and Life, 2008.

Now, if you say, “I am voting for him because the other option is Hillary. I will pull the lever and hold my nose.” Okay. I can respect that. But what troubles me is the religious leaders—some who crushed Bill Clinton for his cheating—that are now enthusiastically supporting Trump such as Jerry Falwell, Jr., Robert Jeffress, Pat Robertson and two of America’s leading moral voices, James Dobson and Gary Bauer.

So, my question is this: If you were a “character counts” guy or gal, like I was, in the 90s with Bill Clinton, how can you justify unreservedly supporting Trump as if he a role model? I am honestly eager to hear your answer either below or on Facebook—because I am genuinely dumbfounded.

My position? I love the USA. I think both of our candidates are horribly flawed. I am praying and pleading with God that somehow, someway I will not have to choose between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Obviously I can’t vote for Hillary. But as a father to three girls how can I vote for a sexual predator like Trump?

You say, “to not vote is a vote for Hillary,” Technically it is a half of a vote. If I voted for Hillary, that would be a vote for Hillary. Or maybe, just maybe, there are times when not voting is an act of intercession, asking God to intervene. As a lifetime voter; someone who believes strongly in going to the ballot box, I am not willing to say that the God’s destiny for America depends on electing Donald Trump. God is bigger than that. And maybe for this one time, a non-vote is plea to heaven for God to pour out revival on our country.

But if I do decide to vote Trump, I will need to send Bill Clinton an apology for criticizing his character in the 90s.


Footnote: Often people respond to critics of Trump by quoting Jesus saying “Do not Judge.” First, that it taken out of context. Jesus is referring to hypocritically looking down at people when you have worse sin in your life. Secondly, when you run for President, you are asking people to judge you. That is what an election is. Third, why is no one saying “Don’t judge Hillary?” Is it okay to judge her, but not him?

Another comment I read a lot is “Nobody’s perfect.” It is not about being flawless, but about choosing someone who brags about breaking the 10 commandments.

Some have pointed to the woman caught in adultery to say that we should not be so tough on Trump. First, she was told to “go and sin no more”. Second, she was grateful for Yeshua’s forgiveness. Third, she was no asking me to vote for her to be president.  

photo credit http://www.denysalmaral.com

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Yom Kippur, Rosh Hashanah and Modern Judaism


I am writing to you from JFK airport in New York (10 days ago) as Rosh Hashanah comes to a close. I was supposed to fly to San Diego and give one message and get home to Israel before Rosh Hashanah, but then I was invited to Orlando to promote our new show on God.tv, “Out of Zion.” I really didn’t want to go, but Elana said, “If you go, you can fly through Richmond on the way back and spend Rosh Hashanah with the girls.”

Chabad Richmond

And that is what I did. What a great day it was to be with my parents, my sister and my daughters. We went to the Orthodox Jewish synagogue with my parents. This was not the Conservative synagogue in which I grew up, but the far stricter, “Chabad” stream. And this synagogue has a special place in my heart. The rabbi’s father was the rabbi when I was a kid. After I came to faith in Yeshua, my parents asked me to meet with him, and we did, weekly. His goal was to convince me that Yeshua was not the Messiah and that I should simply become an Orthodox Jew.

Yankl Kranz (in the picture) was a dear, sweet man with good hopes for Richmond. He used to drive a huge ‘bookmobile’ trying to get Jewish kids to read Jewish books. It was a library on wheels. We really enjoyed each other. He died young and his son, Yossel, took over for him. Yossel and I have a bit in common. We are both American Jews, rabbis of sort, and we both married beautiful Israelis. He is a fantastic communicator and unlike in Orthodox Judaism in Israel, he doesn’t put guilt trips on the more secular Jews, but seeks to draw them in at whatever level they are willing to enter.

Theological Divide

However, despite the similarities there is a great theological divide. Though his sermon was well written and quite humorous, his basic point, as we were beginning the High Holy days—days where our sin is highlighted and we seek forgiveness—was not “Repent”. But the opposite. “You are far more righteous than you think. Don’t say I don’t keep kosher, say, I keep kosher most of the time. Don’t say, I don’t keep the Sabbath, but say, I keep the Sabbath most of the day.” He does not see us as sinners.

He characterized Jeremiah as depressed, not understanding that he was broken over the sinful state of the Jewish people as he saw prophetically that they were about to be conquered by the Babylonians and their Temple destroyed (586 BCE).

“If only my head were a pool of water and my eyes a fountain of tears, I would weep day and night for all my people who have been slaughtered.” (Jeremiah 9:1)

Orthodox Judaism fails to understand that the Torah is not a set of rules to please God, but that our inability to keep the Torah revealed to us that we are sinners in need for forgiveness (Gal. 3, Rom. 7). While we should strive to keep the Ten Commandments, each time we read them we realize how far we fall short. Isaiah said that “All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags; we all shrivel up like a leaf, and like the wind our sins sweep us away.” (Is. 64:6) To be clear, the analogy is referring to a woman’s monthly cycle.

We have Sinned!

Both Daniel and Isaiah cried out, “We have sinned” but modern Judaism (really post 2nd Temple Judaism created by Yochanan Ben Zakkai [read this about that guy!!] after the 2nd Temple was destroyed) says, we can earn forgiveness through:

  1. Giving
  2. Repentance
  3. Prayer
  4. Good works or mitzvot 

It is during this season however—the Ten Days of Awe between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur—that we sing Avinu Malkenu, Our Father and King. The very second line is:

Avinu malkeinu chatanu l’faneycha

אבינו מלכנו חתנו לפניך

And no, it does not mean, “Our father in heaven, we tried really hard.” It means, “Our father in heaven, we have sinned before you.” This cry is the cry of the Hebrew prophets. And God answered by sending us a Moshia (Savior) who was qualified to take the punishment we deserve, as Isaiah said, “So the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.” (Is. 53:6)

In the same way that a judge doesn’t reward a murderer for the people he didn’t kill or the thief for how much he didn’t steal, God will not turn a blind eye to our sin just because we do some good things. But Yeshua came, and according to Isaiah, He took our punishment.

But he was pierced for our transgressions,
he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was on him,
and by his wounds we are healed.

Yeshua came to make us holy, not through our keeping most of the Sabbath, but through His death and resurrection. Here is a video I made related to this.

May this be the Yom Kippur season that the we see the words of Zechariah come to pass:

 “And I will pour out on the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and supplication. They will look on me, the one they have pierced, and they will mourn for him as one mourns for an only child, and grieve bitterly for him as one grieves for a firstborn son.

Please consider a special gift this Yom Kippur to help us reach Israelis with the message of the Messiah. Thank you!

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Testimony! The Anointing and Orthodox Jews!


An amazing thing happened the other day!

We were filming the fourth episode of a series on the Six Day War for #OutofZion, when I began to read a powerful and long quote from Rabbi Shlomo Goren, who gave an amazing speech as Israeli Soldiers took Jerusalem and the Temple Mount in 1967. Suddenly, I felt God’s presence in a powerful way. Deep emotion welled up and I spoke with passion. We were in the Western Wall Plaza and a small crowd formed around us. While we had already filmed three episodes, this was clearly different.

When I finished speaking, I noticed an Orthodox family. The father told me how powerful the message was and asked me if I would come give sermons at his Orthodox synagogue. He said that had been looking for someone to bring messages. He hung around while we finished a small video clip. After I finished, I thanked him for his encouragement but told him, “You might not want to invite me to share sermons, as I am a Messianic Jew. I believe Yeshua is the Messiah.”

He responded, “You just lost a job.” And then added I could still do t’shiva—repentance and become orthodox. I told him I repented when I found Yeshua and added that it was nice to meet him.

The point is that he and his family felt the presence of God, but his bias towards Yeshua quickly closed him off. Of course that is why I wrote Identity Theft—so people like him can see that believing in Yeshua is perfectly Jewish.

Yigal, one of our cameramen, said that it reminded him of when the people said of Yeshua, “he taught as one who had authority, and not as their teachers of the law.” Of course, it wasn’t me, but any New Testament communicator under the anointing would have been just as effective. It is the Presence of God.

Please pray for him and his family.

Here is the quote I was reading as the first Jewish soldiers entered the Western Wall Plaza towards the end of the Six Day War:

“I am speaking to you from the plaza of the Western Wall, the remnant of our Holy Temple. ‘Comfort my people, comfort them, says the Lord your God.’ This is the day we have hoped for, let us rejoice and be glad in His salvation. The vision of all generations is being realized before our eyes: The city of God, the site of the Temple, the Temple Mount and the Western Wall, the symbol of the nation’s redemption, have been redeemed today by you, heroes of the Israel Defense Forces. By doing so you have fulfilled the oath of generations, ‘If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, may my right hand forget its cunning.’ Indeed, we have not forgotten you, Jerusalem, our holy city, our glory. In the name of the entire Jewish people in Israel and the Diaspora, I hereby recite with supreme joy, Blessed art Thou, O Lord our God, King of the universe, who has kept us in life, who has preserved us, and enabled us to reach this day. This year in Jerusalem – rebuilt!”

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Reminding God of His Promise


When Jacob is coming back to his own land and knows he will encounter Esau, he becomes afraid and understandably so. Jacob tricked his brother out of both his birthright and blessing. For all he knows, the skilled hunter, will kill him and his family. And that is why Jacob prays. But he doesn’t just pray, he also reminds God of His promise.

It is not that God is forgetful or needs reminding. It is for our benefit, to strengthen our faith in God. This is one of the main reasons that God gives us His prophetic word. So that when everything is screaming, “It’ll never happen!” you can rely on God’s word. Jacob could say, “Okay…it looks like my big bro is going to take me out for what I did, but Lord God Almighty, You told me, ‘Return to your land and to your relatives and I will do good with you.’ So, I am going to choose to trust you.”

Reminding God of His word is biblical. I think of one of the most powerful passages in Scripture where the Lord tells us to remind him of His promise.

“I have posted watchmen on your walls, Jerusalem; they will never be silent day or night. You who call on the Lord, give yourselves no rest, and give him no rest till he establishes Jerusalem and makes her the praise of the earth.” (Is. 62:6-7)

The Hebrew would be better translated “they will never be silent day or night, those who REMIND the Lord.” The word that the NIV translates as “call” is “Mazkir” which means to remind. And in this case, just like with Jacob, Jerusalem is not living up to her calling, which is to be a “praise in the earth.” Jerusalem has an anointing, a calling to bring blessing to the world. But presently she is the source of great controversy. She is not the City of Peace or “praise in all the earth” and, in the natural, it doesn’t look like it will come to pass any time soon.

Our Israel Tour Group Walks the Walls of Jerusalem as Watchmen.

Our Israel Tour Group Walks the Walls of Jerusalem as Watchmen.

So, believers from around the world serve as “watchmen on the walls”. The Lord says to these watchmen:

  1. Remind me of my promise to Jerusalem.
  2. Give me no rest until I do it.

Okay, that is Jerusalem…but let’s return to the personal—to Jacob’s experience. Jacob was being tested. God was sending him in a very scary direction. In the natural, it was a direction that could bankrupt him in every way. His wives could be abused. His children could be enslaved. So in this insecurity, he reminds Yahweh— “You told me to do this and it would end up good, so I am trusting you.” And in so doing, Jacob’s faith is strengthen. In the end, Esau greets Jacob as a brother, not an enemy. The Lord gives Jacob great favor with his brother.

So, what are you facing today? Is the Lord leading you into uncharted territory? Is it scary? Remind the Lord of what He promises—both His personal prophetic word to your heart and the plethora of promises in His word.

For me, just this morning, I was with a friend. God has a great call on his life and opened a mighty door. But there are few Esau encounters before him. We were able to find courage and strength in the Lord, by remembering the incredible prophetic confirmation that led him down this road. We recounted some of them to remind us, “God is with us, there is nothing to fear, the battle is the Lord’s.” No, the Lord had not forgotten, we needed reminding!

So let me encourage you not to give up. God has a plan. Remind Him of His promise to you.

Dear friends, we also know that God has set us on this path in Israel. We are seeing great fruit at Tiferet Yeshua in Tel Aviv. More and more of our folks are reaching out, feeding the hungry and meeting the needs of the poor. God has opened a supernatural door for me to be on Television around in the world through “Out of Zion” on GodTV.

I want to invite you to stand with us as we continue to minister from the Holy Land. Your year-end tax-deductible gift can change lives and have an eternal impact in the restored nation of Israel. Just go to www.standwithmmi.org to partner with us. And send in your prayer request so our team in Tel Aviv can pray for you.

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Or send your check to:

Messiah’s Mandate
c/o Maoz Israel
PO Box 535788
Grand Prairie, TX 75053

Thank you so much! God bless you from Tel Aviv, Israel!


The post Reminding God of His Promise appeared first on Messiah's Mandate.

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